Vertikova Elena,Pylnev Vladimir
The article characterizes the advantages of sudangrass, presents its comparative assessment, and gives recommendations for the cultivation of a new variety Evgeniya for seeds. Implementation of the program for the development of forage production in Russia and other countries implies not only the creation of new varieties but also the promotion of their introduction. This study aims to test the new variety Evgeniya of sudangrass and refine the cultivation techniques for obtaining high-quality seeds in the Volga region. For a period of 2 years, we studied the new promising variety, new lines that were obtained during interspecific, intraspecific, and intervarietal crossings carried out in different years, and new varieties of sudangrass recommended for cultivation in the region. The Yubileinaya 20 and Zonalskaya 6 varieties of sudangrass were used as standards. Field studies were carried out in 2017-2019. It was found that the new variety Evgeniya was characterized by high values of economically valuable traits. The variety had several biometric and biological features, such as thin stems and high yields, so we studied the influence of sowing methods and seeding rates not only on yield but on seed quality. To obtain the maximum yield of high-quality seeds, Evgeniya sudangrass must be sown with a seeding rate of 0.6-0.7 mln. viable seeds per hectare and row spacing of 30 cm.
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