This study purpose was to investigate the historical evolution of trade in Russia, spanning three distinct periods: pre-Soviet, Soviet, and post-Soviet eras. In the article authors analyzed the shifts and continuities in Russia’s trade landscape over time and understand how historical patterns influence contemporary trade dynamics. Authors used methods of data collection from primary sources, including archival research and economic statistics, supplemented by a review of scholarly literature. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted to extract insights into trade practices, regulations, and economic conditions. The results reveal significant transitions, including the dominance of state-controlled trade during the Soviet era and the emergence of retail chains in recent years. Retail chains have evolved to assume distribution functions, blurring the lines between trade and production. In conclusion, this historical analysis elucidates the historical context of Russia’s trade practices, offering insights into its economic evolution. Understanding the impact of historical events on trade structures provides valuable perspectives for comprehending contemporary trade dynamics in Russia.
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