Rząsa Krzysztof,Ogryzek Marek,Ciski Mateusz
According to the criteria set by The National Heritage Board of Poland, an non-movable monument of trans-regional importance, of high historical, scientific and artistic values; relevant to the Polish cultural heritage, consolidated in the social consciousness by being a source of inspiration for future generations, may be recognized as Historic Monument. As at April 20, 2018, there are 91 Historic Monuments in Poland. The objects were characterized by: location, type, age, date of recognition as a Historic Monument. Several GIS tools, such as: Kernel Density, diagram map with proportional symbols, and various forms of graduated symbols were used to analyse and visualise the spatial data. Results were presented in tabular form and on a series of created maps. The applied GIS tools allowed to elaborate and show spatial, temporal and generic differentiation of analysed objects; which allowed to draw conclusions in this area, included at the end of the article.
Reference15 articles.
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2 articles.