Evaluation of the creditworthiness of extractive industry companies


Pukala Ryszard,Vnukova Nataliya,Tokhtamysh Tetiana,Yaholnytskyi Oleksandr,Hranko Kateryna


The article uses the methodology of assessing the creditworthiness of the National Bank of Ukraine as a borrower for extractive industry companies taking into account the principles and recommendations of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. According to the financial statements of the extractive industry companies, variables and coefficients have been counted to calculate the objective function of the integral indicator. The classes of debtors of the surveyed enterprises by years are determined. It has been proved that, with average creditworthiness, the activity of extractive industry companies is risky, but these companies need to attract external funds and financial resources. To measure the risk level of the group of surveyed companies, we used the calculation of asymmetry parameters of the statistical distribution, which showed that the activity of extractive industry companies is risky due to the peculiarities of the industry.


EDP Sciences

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