Saik Pavlo,Dychkovskyi Roman,Lozynskyi Vasyl,Falshtynskyi Volodymyr,Cabana Edgar,Hrytsenko Leonid
Topical issues of the possibilities for changes in the coal extraction technology in terms of Stepova mine of Lvivvuhillia SE have been highlighted. Analysis of the current state of mining operations has been carried out. Design solutions as for introduction of the coal gasification technology in the life cycle of the mining enterprise has been proposed on the basis of the analytical, experimental, and industrial studies; the technology has been described. Percentage ratio of the output of combustion generator gases (Н2, СО, СН4) has been identified; gas combustion value and efficiency of the process depending on certain changes in the blowing mixture composition supplied into the underground gas generator have been determined. Heat balance of the process of underground coal gasification has been studied making it possible to evaluate its energy balance. The algorithm to determine coal reserves in a mine pillar to be gasified has been proposed. Indices of the output of combustion generator gases from the gasification column have been defined. The relevant issues have been studied of ensuring the possibility of underground coal gasification technology when uncovering the mining extracted area for the underground gas generator operation.
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