Abramova Marina,Varzin Vasiliy,Niyazbekova Shakizada,Isaeva Ekaterina,Chertova Dana
Economic development is accompanied by a continuous increase in production and consumption. On the one hand, the rapid development of production contributes to the welfare of the population, and on the other – has a negative impact on the environment. Every year, people destroy more than 11 million hectares of forest, emit 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and produce more than 300 million tons of plastic mass. If this process is not interfered with, humanity will face a global environmental catastrophe. The new economic concept was developed in order to smooth out the cantradictions between economic growth and the conservation of natural resources. It is based on three axioms. Many countries have seriously taken care of environmental problems and have developed a set of economic measures to combat the negative anthropogenic impact. The pioneers in this field are the states of Western Europe, South Korea, the USA, China, as well as Russia