1. The official website of the Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation “How coronavirus changes the work of small and medium-sized businesses is available online: https://ach.gov.ru/news/kak-koronavirus-menyaet-rabotu-malogo-i-srednego-biznesa-zakrytie-magazinov-podderzhka-gosudarstva-i(accessed on 12 March 2022).
2. The official website of Security Vision “Security Operation Center class Systems” is Available online: https://www.securityvision.ru/products/soc / (accessed on 28 March 2022).
3. The report of the NCC and Rostelecom Solar on the study of a series of cyberattacks on public authorities of the Russian Federation Available online: https://rt-solar.ru/upload/iblock/53e/Otchet-Solar-JSOC-ob-issledovanii-serii-kiberatak-na-organy-gosudarstvennoy-vlasti-RF-_-web.pdf(accessed on 17 February 2022).
4. Phishing environments, techniques, and countermeasures: A survey
5. The official article “Avast Network Inspector Alert” is Available online: https://support.avast.com/en-en/article/eternalblue-vulnerability/(accessed on 27 February 2022).