Bari J Abdul,Singh A Kuldeep
The experiment looked at how self-compacting concrete behaves when Fly ash is used to replace a portion of cement. SCC’s popularity has risen dramatically in recent years. The study’s goal was to see how different amounts impact the characteristics such as the compressive strength and long-term durability of SCC. The goal of this research is to see whether a portion of the cement in SCC and other types of concrete might be replaced with fly ash might impact the SCC’s qualities. Several SCC mixes were made during the experimental stage using various fly ash and cement ratios. Following that, the ability of these mixtures to be worked was evaluated using a number of different tests. Other characteristics of the mixtures were investigated as well, specifically their resistance to deformation. Findings of this research suggest that employing fly ash instead of cement may be a realistic and environmentally benign strategy to significantly improve SCC performance while also saving money. The results have the potential to serve as a useful resource for both building professionals and academics engaged in the conception and creation of concrete that is both resistant to wear and tear and kind to the natural world.
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