Ivanyshyn Volodymyr,Yermakov Serhii,Ishchenko Tatyana,Mudryk Krzysztof,Hutsol Taras
When we design the automated systems of unloading materials from the tankers, especially when we construct the automated tool for planting an energy willow, there is a need to create the movement model and to study its characteristics. The combination of cuttings, unloaded from the tanker, can be represented as the flow of a two-phase pseudo liquid. Then the process of unloading itself can be modelled on the basis of methods of hydrodynamic multiphase systems. The main characteristics that affect the process of unloading are highlighted in the deduced equation. The effective coefficient of vibro-viscosity and the calculation algorithm for the dynamic coefficient of vibro-viscosity in terms of cuttings oscillatory motion influenced by gravity field and harmonic vibrations is given in the study.
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