Pollinator and host plant interaction: association between insect pollinators on Ficus deltoidea Jack Plants. (Moraceae) and Bidens pilosa linn. (Asteraceae)


Melanie Melanie,Monica Grace,Subahar Tati


This study aims to explore the association between Fig wasp (Hymenoptera) and Ficus deltoidea (Moraceae), as well as Bidens flies (Diptera) with Bidens pilosa (Asteraceae). A survey method was used to observe the fruiting and flowering stages of F. deltoidea and B. pilosa, collecting samples daily to track pollinator emergence. The frequency of emerging pollinators was calculated and their sex ratio was determined. The data analysis was carried out descriptively. Ficus provides a place and protection for the eggs of wasps to hatch and develop into larvae to imago, which naturally within Ficus fruits. The female wasps role as a pollinator for the Ficus flower. This interaction is known as mutualistic symbiosis. Bidens flies lay eggs in the floret discs of B. pilosa after the pollination stage. The sex ratio of emerging bidens flies is male(♂) : female(♀) = 1:1. The interaction between Bidens flies and B. pilosa is an example of commensalism interaction, where B. pilosa benefits Bidens flies without being affected itself. The associations between Ficus–Fig wasps and Bidens flies–B. pilosa are specific to open ecosystems. The interdependence of these insects with their host plants serves as a strategic approach for ensuring successful reproduction and survival.


EDP Sciences








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