Impact of Climate Fluctuations on Paddy Yield: A Case Study in Kollengode Village, India


Sreeni K.R.,Vasudevan Nirmala


Paddy cultivation, a vital source of rice for billions globally, faces numerous challenges, including water scarcity, pest and disease outbreaks, soil degradation, and changing weather patterns. This study investigates the factors contributing to declining paddy yield in Kollengode village, located in Kerala State, south India, to inform strategies for ensuring resilient rice production in vulnerable regions. Over the past two years, Kollengode has witnessed a two-week delay in monsoon arrival, prompting adjustments in traditional agricultural practices, such as a shift in seed sowing time. The study examines how factors like rainfall patterns, temperature variations, and agricultural practices influence paddy yield decline. Through analysis of climate data, soil properties, and farmer interviews, the findings reveal a significant decrease in rainfall during the crucial growing season, likely contributing to the observed yield decline. Furthermore, rising minimum temperatures suggest a potential decrease in diurnal variation, which could—based on existing literature—impact rice plant respiration and yield potential. This research highlights the vulnerability of agricultural practices in the region to changing weather patterns and emphasises the need for adapting cultivation strategies to ensure long-term sustainability. The findings can inform local water management practices and guide the development of climate-resilient agricultural solutions for paddy cultivation in Kerala.


EDP Sciences

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