Structural organizational and economic mechanism for managing the labor potential of the enterprise


Kirilchuk Svetlana,Simchenko Nataliia,Burkaltseva Diana,Nalivaychenko Ekaterina,Strelbitsky Artyom


The main objectives of the activity of any modern enterprise are: obtaining maximum profit; formation of the labour market with works and services; implementation of economic and foreign economic activity within the framework of the current regulations. The structure of a modern enterprise is based on the division of labour, i.e. certain types of work between the personnel of the enterprise are assigned to specialists who are able to perform them better and more qualified than everyone else from the point of view of the organisation as a whole. It is important to designate and correctly form the blocks within the organisational structure of the enterprise; organisational structure of the personnel management service; organisation of keeping personalised records of employees; to carry out constant analysis and monitoring of the system of incentives for the personnel of the enterprise, applying additional methods of labour motivation of the personnel and forms of training of employees, providing for the subsequent improvement of their qualification categories.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference9 articles.

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