Vasilyev Alexey,Vitaly Zemlyak,Protasov Nikolay,Babashov Daniel
In the winter season, we can observe the increased number of personal injuries and road vehicle accidents because of ice coating on paved roads. Surface refining from icing field involves two process operations: breaking it up and transporting the resulting segments. The basic process prevailing in cleaning effective output is the cutting process, i.e. the separation of icy fragments from the pavement with the cutting tools of special machines. The purpose of the research is to simulate the ice crust breaking influenced by the device designed by the authors. The modeling of ice flow failure is rather complicated and not a trivial task. An advanced Lagrangian model is applied in a modern software system. As a result, based on a computing model implemented in ANSYS software system, we have developed an algorithm for determining a mode of the ice crust deformation caused by the circular cutters put into it. The review of the stress strain behavior of ice crust shows that the biggest movement of ice crust fractions arises along the outline (perimeter) of discs and at the surface of the cover. The greatest equivalent stresses are observed along the disc outline (perimeter). The middle part of the disc (approaching to the centre) is nearly involved in equipment operation. The greatest displacement of icy particles is along the disc contour, while they are near zero along the edges. In the paper, we also determined recoverable and shearing deformations, regular and shear stresses in the ice crust at different thickness and movement speed of the device. The calculated motion rate and ice coating thickness at which the destructive effect is most distinctive, has been found out.
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