Implementation of self-control methods for students of the Agro-industrial Faculty engaged in physical education in distance learning


Ryzhkin Nikolay,Tumasyan Tatiana,Brovashova Olga,Nemtseva Elena


Relevance: the use of self-control methods in teaching physical culture makes it possible to implement the requirements of the theoretical and methodological sections of educational programs through independent educational work of students in distance learning (in a pandemic). Self-control is a method of self-observation of the state of one's body in the process of doing physical exercises and sports. Any person who has begun to regularly engage in physical exercises should regularly monitor the state of their body, which will help to properly regulate the amount of load during exercise, evaluate the results of self-training and, if necessary, change the training regime. The introduction of self-monitoring methods helps to ensure the safety and effectiveness of classes, as well as to activate the interest and motivation of students to physical activity. With regular physical exercises, the activity of all organs and systems is activated, the volume of muscles increases, metabolic processes are enhanced, and the cardiovascular system is improved. Thus, the physical fitness of the trainees improves, the loads are easily tolerated, and the previously inaccessible results in different types of physical exercises become the norm. Self-control is necessary so that classes have a training effect and do not cause health problems. This contributes to improving the effectiveness of classes and achieving the best results in the field of physical development of students. The most convenient form of self-control is to keep a self-control diary.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine







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