Environmental safety in the framework of sustainable development of the region (on the example of the Siberian Federal District)


Zhidkova E.A.,Dymova I.A.


A statistical analysis of public opinion on environmental safety issues was carried out. The Siberian Federal District was chosen as the object of the study. Special attention is paid to the development of environmental safety in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Kemerovo Region (Kuzbass). The main criterion for determining the coordinates of “critical” points was the results of a social survey conducted by the Special Communications and Information Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia. The reasons for the negative impact on the state of the environment of the Siberian Federal District are revealed. It is established that when preventive measures are not so effective to maintain a high level of environmental safety, the compensation of environmental damage can pass through the organization of the institute of environmental insurance.


EDP Sciences

Reference10 articles.

1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Approval of the Environmental Security Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” dated April 19, 2017, No. 176 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2017. No. 17. Art. 2546.

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