Study of energy regularities of direct evaporative air-cooling modes


Yarashev Siroj,Azizova Gulnoza,Usmonov Nizomjon


The state of the air environment in modern agricultural buildings is ensured using microclimate air conditioning systems. However, traditional climate control systems and their equipment are quite expensive, energy-intensive and difficult to operate. Therefore, the problem of developing and using simpler, more reliable, energy-efficient microclimate conditioning systems and devices to create and maintain the required technological parameters of the air environment, ensuring a reduction in energy costs and increasing the productivity of agricultural production (for example, poultry houses), remains relevant, which in addition to being economic for both governments and for individual farms it has important social significance. The microclimate conditioning system of an agricultural building should be a complex application of active (air conditioning systems) and passive (external fences) engineering means. Thus, there was a scientific substantiation of methods for creating and maintaining recommended microclimate parameters in energy-efficient agricultural buildings with air-permeable external fences and the development of a methodology for their calculation.


EDP Sciences

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