Research of aerodynamic resistance in the channels of heat exchange nozzles for poultry


Usmonov Jamshid,Bekmuradov Jakhongir,Usmonov Nizomjon


The development of agricultural production requires the creation of conditions for increasing labor productivity, which is accompanied by an increase in energy consumption and, above all, an increase in heat and power engineering, which is one of the decisive conditions for the development of agriculture and its transfer to an industrial basis. The increase in the need for energy resources raises the problem of creating efficient and economical equipment for the agro-industrial complex. Successful solution to the problems of increasing poultry productivity is possible subject to the introduction of intensive rearing technologies. The industrialization of poultry farming, with the intensive use of production buildings, places qualitatively new demands on the indoor air environment, therefore, without creating and maintaining an optimal microclimate, it is difficult to obtain high poultry productivity even with proper feeding, care and well-organized breeding work. Temperature, relative humidity and air speed are the main parameters that determine the physiological state and productivity of poultry. Thus, by changing microclimate parameters one can definitely influence the bird’s body and help increase productivity.


EDP Sciences

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