Kholmurodov Jamshid,Temirov Uktam,Namazov Shafoat,Radjabov Ruzmat
Studying the conversion of local natural gypsum and phosphogypsum, categorized as a byproduct of extracting phosphoric acid (EPA), into ammonium carbonate through a liquid-based method. At the same time, the concentration of ammonium carbonate in an aqueous solution was obtained in the range from 10 to 50%. The norms of ammonium carbonate were 100, 105, 110% relative to stoichiometry. The transfer time of ammonium carbonate to the reaction zone was from 5 to 30 minutes, and the conversion time was also studied in the range from 5 to 30 minutes. The conversion process was carried out at a temperature of 30 to 50°C. The optimal time for the carbonate conversion of gypsum was 30 minutes, and the conversion rate was 95.68 and 96.83%.