Jumaniyozov Khurmatbek,Adambaeva Feruza
The article discusses the features of the chemical and phase composition of diabase rocks, including the rocks of Arvaten and Uzunbulak deposits of Uzbekistan. Glass materials based on diabase rocks have been obtained. The physicochemical properties and structural formation of glasses during crystallization were studied by X-ray analysis. Analysis of the chemical and mineralogical compositions of the diabases of the studied deposits indicates their multiphase character. IR spectroscopic, electron microscopic, microscopic and X-ray data show the presence in diabases of several main phases in the form of oligoclase with the formula (Ca,Na)A2Si2O8, orthoclase K(AlSi3O8), iron-containing pyroxene solid solution of the augite type (Mg, Fe2+)[Si2O6CaFe(AlSiO6)], calcite CaCO3, chlorite (clinochlore) with the formula Mg4.5Al2.5[OH]8(Si3AlO10), olivine (MgFe)2SiO4 and low contents of low-temperature quartz β-SiO2.