Geographic information system earthquake and tsunami early warning in Padang City


Sularno ,Prima Mulya Dio,Muzawi Rometdo


Padang city is one of the areas prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. With this fact, the city government of Padang created a number of gathering points or shelters equipped with evacuation routes for residents of Padang city. Likewise in West Padang District which is the area closest to the beach and has a high population. From the results of the data collected, then the authors use the Research and Development method. From the results of this study, an Android-based Geographical Information System (GIS) was designed, information can be conveyed in a visual form in which there is information related to tsunami evacuation routes and education in dealing with the Potential Mentawai Megathrust disaster. In addition, the application developed has been able to produce information on the location of the disaster, route information to the evacuation point, and safety guidance when a disaster occurs. So that people can easily find out the evacuation route to a safe place and reduce the risk impact of future natural disasters.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference13 articles.

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