Azamatovich Nabijon,Abdullayev Sardor,Zhuraev Akbar,Turdiyev Sardorjon
Nowadays, ball mills are widely used in beneficiation enterprises of the mining industry, cement and similar production plants. As a result of the development of new mines in our republic, the process of extracting minerals in the mining industry is being carried out step by step. Due to the increase in the volume of mined minerals, the need for ore crushing mills is increasing. Taking into account all mentioned the above, in this article, the test results of the improved constructions of the internal protective coatings of the ball mills, which are considered as the main working member of the ball mills used in the enrichment and processing of minerals at the hydrometallurgical plants belonging to “Navoi Mining Metallurgical Combine” JSC and measures to increase the efficiency of mills were presented.