Fatima Ouberri,Abdelali Tajmouati,Noha Chahboun,Larbi El Abdellaoui,Ahmed Lakhssassi
An innovative design of a circular polarization antenna for wireless power transmission is described. The suggested antenna is simply constructed, which consists of a square radiating patch having a slotted center with feeding via a probe and an L-shaped ground plane. The application of this L-shaped ground allows a short connection of the probe power supply to the square patch while retaining a certain elevation from the ground plane to the square patch while using an air layer substrate, thereby allows a proper adaptation of the impedance and an improvement of the bandwidth. The purpose of utilizing the slot in the center of the square patch is to create a circular polarization with an axial ratio value of under 3dB. By means of a through-hole through the vertical L-shaped ground plane, the patch radiating can be readily excited with a probe feed pointing into the same plane as the patch. This approach allows to further improve the bandwidth of the circular polarization. In this way, the CP bandwidth of the proposed antenna is significantly extended by about 10% and a good impedance matching over a wide bandwidth is obtained. The features of the proposed design are investigated and optimized using a 3D electromagnetic (EM) solver. It was found that the proposed antenna covers a broad band of 425MHz, has a 3 dB axial ratio CP bandwidth of approx. 85% of the resonant band, and a gain level of 7.4 dBi or more in the bandwidth of the resonant band. Besides the low cost of the proposed antenna arising from its simplest structure, the resulting performance leads the antenna to be a strong candidate among circularly polarized, single element, and single feed patch antennas.
Reference15 articles.
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2. A Metasurface-Based Multilayer Wideband Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna Array With a Parallel Feeding Network for Q-Band
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