The participation of the hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system (HHNS) in fish reproduction was established by ecologo-histophysiological research with the help of light-, electronmicroscopy and immunocytochemistry. At the beginning of migrations of passing fish an active synthesis of neurosecretory products in pericarions of neurosecretory cells and their excretion into the cavity of the III brain ventricle was stated, while a mass accumulation of them in neurohypophysis occurs. Firstly, the excretion of neurohormones into the brain’s liquor should cause their neurotropic effect on the CNS behavior centers in the form of a dominant state of arousal, designated as “migration impulse”. Then HHNS initiates spawning behavior at the beginning of spawning and completes it by participating in overcoming natural physiological stress. In fish reproduction the main functional role of HHNS is to initiate reproductive energy-intensive processes of migratory and spawning behaviors, and to completion spawning by suppressing the hyperactivity of the target glands, ensuring the body’s transition to energysaving plastic metabolic exchange. The analysis of the key role of HHNS in fish reproduction has allowed to present a constructive working scheme of its neuroendocrine integration by the principle of self-regulation and to develop, on this basis, the system management of biotech reproduction of fish populations.
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