Extrusion Technologies in Ensuring Sustainable Development


Volkov Alexander R.,Chernikova Svetlana A.


The relevance of the research is environmental management is the basis for natural resources conservation, environmental protection and environmental safety. Meanwhile, it is important to use the best available technologies for neutralization and processing of production and consumption waste in addition to observance of the legal and environmental rules. Waste management of production and consumption is one of the main directions of the transition to a circular economy and the use of low-waste and non-waste production, which has recently been actively demonstrated by developed countries. The main aim of extrusive processing of meat waste is considered. Extrusive processing of waste - an effective solution of problems of rational environmental management as allows to make in addition secondary resources products, thereby realizing the principles of economy of the closed cycle; and considerably to reduce environmental pollution due to refusal of burning and waste disposal of livestock production and the meat-processing enterprises. Subject, tasks and methods of a research is processing of meat waste which call still biological waste and which are formed, generally in livestock production and at the meat-processing enterprises. One of perspective technologies of high-quality processing of waste is extrusive processing. Research results confirm that In Russia outdated neutralization and recycling of agro-industrial waste technologies lead to the loss of resources. Moreover they have a significant negative impact on the environment. This article deals with the method of extrusion recycling of meat waste. Extrusion recycling of waste is an effective solution to the environmental management problems, as additionally it allows to produce products from secondary resources, thereby the principles of closed-cycle economy are implemented, and significantly reduce environmental pollution by eliminating the burning and disposal of animal waste and meat processing plants. Thus, use of extrusive technologies will allow not only to make waste products, to get additional profit, but also to prevent pollution of air, water and land resources harmful substances, providing thereby rational environmental management, and will form a basis of transition to circular economy which formation is impossible without environmental safety.


EDP Sciences

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