Sulistyo Juny Andry,Pratikso ,Mudiyono Rachmat
Rob or tide water is a flood of seawater or rising sea level caused by high tide inundating the land. Heavy traffic and tidal immersion on main roads result in permanent deformation require quality asphalt that is resistant to tidal immersion and traffic loads. The use of a combination of LDPE and aggregate slag is an unprecedented update. Polyethylene (PE) plastic waste provides water resistance therefore the combination can be a new Job Mix Formula that is able to withstand tidal immersion (rob) allowing it to be used in the construction of road structures (Flexible Pavement). The duration of immersion is 7 days, 14 days and 21 days and the soaking method consists of immerse with a continuous pattern and soaking with a periodic / cyclic pattern (intermittent). The best composition for Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course obtained in continuous soaking was 50% Slag aggregate and 6% LDPE while for intermittent soaking it was 0% and 50% Slag aggregate with 6% and 8% LDPE.