Transportation mode choice model between private car and railway for responding the operation of Makassar - Parepare railway for Makassar - Pangkep route


Mullyani Savitri Prasandi,Ramli Muhammad Isran,Adisasmita Sakti Adji,Abdurrahman Muhammad Asad,Yatmar Hajriyanti


The construction of the Makassar – Parepare Railway is an effort to support the integration of the national transportation system. The construction of the Maros-Barru Railway Line (± 71 KM) as part of the Makassar-Parepare line has been completed. In the context of the Operation of the Makassar - Pare-pare Regional Railway, it is important to carry out studies that are urgently needed in planning and making transportation policies. Mode choice is a unique issue and cannot be determined casually. And have been affectedby characteristics of the community/population as potential passengers along the operational area. This research was conducted to assess the level of probability of choosing the mode of community travel on the Makassar - Pangkep route. The research methodology was carried out by Stated Preference and data processing used the STATA program which was analyzed using the discrete choice analysis method approach to individual behavior. Apart from that, an estimation of the sensitivity of travelers is also carried out in determining the choice of mode if changes are made to the attributes of the trip. The mode choice model used is the Logit model for selecting two modes where the ones being reviewed are trains and private vehicles (cars). The results showed that the probability of choosing a train and a private car was 43% and 57%, respectively. The results of the sensitivity analysis show a negative direction, which states that the bigger/longer the attribute value, the lower the probability of choosing a train.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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