In the age of "global boiling", to settle the problem of climate change, the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals has been proposed by China to control carbon emissions. Fishing raft is a kind of platform used by fishermen for aquaculture. Presently, numerous studies on carbon emission concentrate on buildings on land. Few studies focus on fishing rafts’ carbon emissions, which is significative to be analyzed. Therefore, this study calculates the carbon emissions of the main parts of two kinds of fishing rafts during the production and transportation stage of building materials to compare the difference in carbon emissions between the two. The results show that at the stage of building materials production and transportation, the carbon emissions of the main part of the wooden fishing raft mainly comes from the production of EPS floats. Additionally, the carbon emissions of HDPE fishing raft is significantly higher than that of the wooden one. Based on these results, this study proposes that the monitoring of the illegal production of EPS floats should be strengthened, and that the plastic with lower carbon emissions should be selected as the construction material of fishing rafts.
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