1. The energy strategy till 2035 in Russia [Digital resource] https://minenergo.gov.ru/node/18038,
2. Commission of the European Communities, European strategy of steady, competitive and safe power. Green Book (Brussels, 2006),
3. Energy strategy of Russia until 2030 [Digital resource] https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5efb9c988418ae604317191a/energeticheskaia-strategiia-rossii-na-period-do-2030-goda-5f7c19df40416f1e5b7bdc4a
4. Federal law No. 172-FZ "On strategic planning in the Russian Federation"(approved 28.06.2014) [Digital resource] http://docs.cntd.ru/document/420204138 (Access Mode: 02.02.2021)