Mudflow hazard in the foothill and mountainous regions of Uzbekistan


Dergacheva I,Klimov S,Khamdamova G,Raximov Qudratjon,Apakhujayeva Tursunoy


The article presents the results of research work on the study of mudflows in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and transboundary territories. The relevance of studies of mudflow phenomena is determined by the intensive development of economic and recreational development of mountain and foothill territories, which in the conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan are subject to mudflow processes that cause material damage to the objects of the national economy and are often accompanied by human casualties. About a thousand active mudflow channels have been counted in the study area, of which over 270 descend into the Fergana Valley. The most mudflow-prone regions in Uzbekistan are: Namangan - 19% of all registered mudflows, Fergana - 16%, Surkhandarya - 13%, Tashkent - 12%, Kashkadarya - 11% and Samarkand - 9%. In general, the Fergana Valley accounts for 41% of the total number of all registered mudflows. A sharp increase in mudflow activity is observed in April and May. During these months, respectively, 25% and 35% of mudflows descended. As a rule, these are mudflows that came down as a result of a large amount of precipitation. The most mudflow-prone regions in Uzbekistan are: Namangan - 19% of all registered mudflows, Fergana - 16%, Surkhandarya - 13%, Tashkent - 12%, Kashkadarya - 11% and Samarkand - 9%. In general, the Fergana Valley accounts for 41% of the total number of all registered mudflows.


EDP Sciences

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