The New Stage of State Real Estate Cadastre Valuation (in the Russian Federation)


Nedelkov Andrey Viktorovich


Accurate real estate market data is crucial for decision-making by governments, businesses, and individuals. Without it, costs rise and development of investment and tax policies suffers. In Russia, the state real estate cadastre valuation is the main data source, but its credibility wanes due to errors and delayed updates. This article reviews the 20-year evolution of this system through four stages. The aim of this study is to analyse the problems and shortcomings in conducting cadastre valuation and property assessment in the Russian Federation, and to propose recommendations for improving this system. In the process of research, normative documents that served as an information base for achieving the set goal were analysed, and a comparative analysis of property tax assessment systems and tax policies of various countries was conducted. Based on the conducted analysis, the author proposes recommendations to enhance tax policy and real estate cadastre valuation in Russia. The recommendations involve adjustments, updated tax value criteria, considering diverse property value factors, separating cadastre valuation from mass appraisal, and accommodating variations in tax base calculation. Implementing these recommendations can contribute to addressing issues in cadastre valuation and create a fairer, more effective taxation system for land and property.


EDP Sciences

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