Noor Ihsan,Arifin Yudi Firmanul,Priatmadi Bambang Joko,Saidy Ahmad Rizalli
Coal mining with the area of the potential acid-forming category can generate acid mine drainage. Acid mine drainage (AMD) that has been formed must be appropriately managed. There are two techniques to treat AMD by the challenge specificity, including the prohibitive cost of the conventional active treatment with an uncertain process and the passive treatment, which faces time constraints and a wider area for preparation. A novel swampy forest system is a development to overcome the weaknesses of conventional processing by naturally responsive mitigation, reducing cost and speed, which results in greater capacity in AMD treatment. The swampy forest system implemented in coal mining relies on three main components: empty fruit bunches as organic matter, grass, and selected tree species planted in the treatment pond. The system effectively changes the non-compliance parameters of wastewater when entered at the system’s inlet to meet the threshold value after processing. It allows for flowing to the public bodies references with the applicable regulation.
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