Pivnyak Gennadiy,Bondarenko Volodymyr,Kovalevska Iryna,Lysenko Roman,Malova Olha
The XIV International Research and Practice Conference “Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering” once again has made an important contribution to the mining industry, science and education. In the course of the conference, a wide range of problems was discussed: theoretical aspects of mining; domestic and foreign experience; personnel training in modern realities; problems of mineral deposits development; fundamental concepts of labor safety, etc. Fruitful dialogue and exchange of experience among conference participants contribute to the generation of new ideas, discoveries, technologies that will find their application in the nearest future. The formation of a new generation of scientists and engineers is taking place today, and therefore this representative conference is an important means of creating a new intellectual environment. The conference promotes the establishment of effective contacts between representatives of different scientific schools and directions, and the acquisition of invaluable experience and practice by researchers.
Reference5 articles.
1. Bondarenko V., Kovalevska I., Lysenko R. and Malova O. (2019). The XIII International Research and Practice Conference “Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering” as a step to the new direction of innovative technologies and intelligent systems in the mining industry. E3S Web of Conferences, (123), 00001.
2. Bondarenko V., Kovalevska I., Lysenko R., Malova O., Cawood F., & Hardygora M. (Eds.) (2018). Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering. E3S Web of Conferences, (60). Retrieved from
3. Bondarenko V., Kovalevska I., & Ganushevych K. (2014). Progressive technologies of coal, coalbed methane, and ores mining. The Netherlands, Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema. ISBN:
978-131574031-7; 978-113802699-5.
4. Pivnyak G., Bondarenko V., Kovalevska I., & Illiashov M. (2012). Geomechanical Processes During Underground Mining: School of Underground Mining. The Netherlands, Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema.
ISBN: 978-020307327-8; 978-041566174-4.
5. Pivnyak G., Bondarenko V., & Kovalevska I. (2011). Technical and Geoinformational Systems in Mining: School of Underground Mining. The Netherlands, Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema. ISBN:
978-020333266-5; 978-113811244-5.