Kozhanova Aktoty,Khamzina Sholpan,Klimenko Mikhail,Tarasovskaya Nataliya,Zhumabekova Bibigul
The experimental work is one of actual directions of modern ecological education modernization. Worldwide we can often see the modern comfortable and functional campuses and buildings that harmonize with the environment around. The Republic of Kazakhstan Government accepted new National project “Green Kazakhstan” which describes the creation favorable environment for the population, sustainable development, biological education and modernizing the ecological mind of population. The environmental education plays a special role in the practical activities in school, helps to form necessary competences for students they can use in their life. Every school in Kazakhstan has its own experimental site (plot) where teacher and students can realize different environmental experiments and observe the natural objects etc. Authors consider this method of work the most reasonable for ecological breeding, as well as these activities are one of the most interesting for students. Experimental work may serve as a specific indicator for the environmental education result.