1. Commission Decision of 3 May 2000 replacing Decision 94/3/EC establishing a list of wastes pursuant to Article 1(a) of Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste and Council Decision 94/904/EC establishing a list of hazardous waste pursuant to Article 1(4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste (notified under document number C(2000) 1147) (Text with EEA relevance) (2000/532/EC)Text with EEA relevance, Available online: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2000/532/2023-12-06, (accessed on 18 03 2024)
2. European Commission, Waste Framework Directive. Available online: https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/waste-and-recycling/waste-framework- directive_en, (accessed on 18 03 2024)
3. Recent developments in Pre-Demolition audits in EU countries. Available online: https://www.steelconstruct.com/wp-content/uploads/Finnish-Ministry-of-Environment- Seminar-presentation-compressed.pdf, (accessed on 18 03 2024)
4. EU Construction and Demolition Waste Management, Guidelines for the waste audits before demolition and renovation works of buildings (2018). Available online: https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/31521/attachments/1/translations/en/renditio ns/native, (accessed on 12 03 2024)
5. The council of ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, Territory development law, 31 March 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria (2023)