Peculiarities of the transition to the methodological type of university education in different cultures


Savelyev Mikhail,Savelyeva Marina,Pushina Natalia,Gruzdeva Tatiana,Savchenko Andrey


It was pointed out that there is a need to move from expert to methodological culture in higher professional education. The essence of this way of education is not knowledge about entities, but patterns and tools for knowledge management. The importance of the development of a methodological culture for creating growth areas inside and outside the existing education system and for a fundamental change in the management system of universities is emphasized. The basic models of universities are investigated by the structural method based on the matrix of values of the key cultures of the world. The search for mechanisms of transition to higher methodological education in Russian culture has been carried out. One of the mechanisms of such transformations is the transition to the authentic Russian culture when students select professors and inversed process when professors select students and universities’ leadership by the locals.


EDP Sciences

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