Analysis of the Physical Phenomena and Modelling Procedures of Building Heating and Cooling Emission System Energy Losses


Degerfeld Franz Bianco Mauthe,Ballarini Ilaria,Corrado Vincenzo


An important research issue in assessing the energy performance of buildings concerns the modelling of the interaction between the built environment and the heating/cooling emission systems. Several methods can be used to evaluate the effect of the heating emitter characteristics, including the possible embedment in the building structure, non-uniform space temperature distribution, and the accuracy of the indoor temperature control. Generally, technical standards specify simplified, yet insufficiently validated methods, based on tabulated values. This paper outlines the main simplified procedures for assessing the efficiency of the emission subsystem, with a particular focus on the hydronic systems. It describes the essential datasets required for the analysis and highlights the interaction with phenomena related to the emitter heat loss. The simplified calculation procedures are then methodologically compared with detailed simulation tools, such as EnergyPlus, to identify differences and limitations in the models. The main discrepancies in the procedures and the required input data are highlighted, and possible strategies for improving the simplified methods are presented. A building representative of the European residential building stock is then analysed in the Italian climate using different calculation procedures. The results, in terms of thermal output of the emitter, are then analysed and compared.


EDP Sciences

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