Synthesis of 1-nicotinoylo-3-(meta-nitrophenyl)- thiourea derivatives with anti-inflammatory activity


Makhsumov Abduhamid,Holboyev Yusubjon,Valeeva Nailya,Ismailov Boburbek,Askarov Ibragim


Thiourea derivatives are used in many industries: medicine, agriculture, engineering, rubber industry, organic synthesis. On their basis, various preparations for the needs of the national economy were obtained. The latest studies of thiourea derivatives, carried out at the present time, are prompted not only by theoretical, but also by practical needs. From this point of view, thiourea derivatives are of undoubted interest in substances with different biological activities. They are widely used in agriculture and have been used as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, bactericides, dyes, growth stimulants, etc. Of particular interest is the use of these compounds in medicine as antitumor, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiarrhythmic, vasodilator and other drugs. Today, most of the derivatives of thiourea, urea, the search for new highly effective low-toxic biologically active compounds based on them is constantly ongoing, as can be judged by the large number of publications in the world scientific and patent literature. This article proposes a simple and convenient method for the preparation of 1-nicotinoyl-3-(m-nitrophenyl)-thioureas based on heterocyclic thioisocyanate with nitroaniline in a dimethylformamide medium, in rather high yields. And also studied the anti-inflammatory activity of the synthesized drug.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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