Bozorov Elmurod,Abdullayev Husniddin
This paper describes a method of using pulsed discharge to control nematode diseases on tomato and cucumber rhizomes and crops grown in dacha plots. When pulsed discharges are applied to living tissue, certain chemical, physical, and biological processes occur, depending on the pulse energy, pulse discharge current, pulse discharge voltage, pulse discharge exposure time, pulse discharge impact current, and other similar factors. Electric pulses were applied to grafts of nematode-infested vegetables, tomatoes and cucumbers, to measure grafting ability. Crop yields were estimated by the total amount of produce grown on arable land, and the level of yield enhancement was determined by land sedimentation and proper placement of varieties and plant species. Proper selection of modern high-yielding varieties imported from Uzbekistan provides resistance to external adverse effects of nature and diseases. The creation of high-yielding varieties requires the discovery and cultivation of resistant hybrid varieties and the development and introduction of new progressive technological methods of plant cultivation. The objective of this study was to identify the main factors affecting the electric pulse discharge treatment of tomato and cucumber root crops infected with nematodes and their larvae. Various diseases occur in cotton, cereals, melons, vegetable crops, and indoors(greenhouses) on newly established farms in the Republic. Yields are particularly high in vegetable, melon, and greenhouse fields. In recent years, the impact of nematodes on plants has caused severe damage to crop yields. Treating crops with this formulation prevents nematode infestation of leaf veins. The economic damage caused by nematodes to agriculture is enormous. For example, in greenhouse vegetables (cucumbers and tomatoes) this indicator reaches 60% and in potatoes 80%. Therefore, the proposed method is realized in combination with an agrotechnical treatment process that is energy-saving, environmentally safe, and productive.