Maula Sheyla Najwatul,Widyawati Melyana Nurul,Suryono Suryono
Postpartum stress is very likely to take place as there are fluctuations in terms of feelings, pressure, anxiety, and guilt that may result in hypogalactia without proper treatment. Hypogalactia itself is an issue breastfeeding mothers face that may stall toddlers’ growth, and hence, the future of a nation. This research aims to lower stress levels in hypogalactia cases. It employs nor pharmacological methods of electric and massage stimulation models to activate the biomechanical, psychological, and neurological systems within the body. The electric stimulation model was performed for 10 minutes in acupoints SI, ST, and SP at 0.5 watts frequency. Meanwhile, the massage stimulation was performed for 30 minutes in acupoints GB, BL, ST, CV, and ST. Samples were divided into intervention and control groups, both characteristics and difference tests were performed. Paired t-test results show that there is a significant difference (p<0.05) in stress level with the treatment using both electric and massage stimulation models. Meanwhile, the unpaired t-test results also show differences in stress levels before and after treatment for each group, but the mean difference shows a decrease of 6.249. Therefore, it can be concluded that both electric and massage stimulation models lower stress levels for hypogalactia cases.