Suryadi Iwan,Ishak Hasanuddin,Darmawansyah
Characteristics of breeding site anopheles, sp supports the solidity of larvae An. barbirostris and An. subpictus . Purpose this study to analyzing Breeding place characteristics with the solidity of larvae An. barbirostris and An. subpictus and know spatially the distribution of Anopheles larvae in Bulukumba. The procedure with ecological survey design and the cross-sectional. Population and sample were breeding sites around the houses of malaria sufferers. Data were analyzed by the application of Statistical Product and Service Solution and Arc Gis 10.1. The spatial distribution shows that the positive Breeding place of Anopheles larvae is around malaria case houses at a distance of 500-1000 meters. Multivariate test on environmental characteristics showed that water temperature had the most influence on the density of An. barbirostris larvae and salinity to the density of larvae An. subpictus . Environmental factors such as water temperature and salinity are factors that support the density of An larvae. barbirostris and An. subpictus . Spatial analysis of its relation to malaria is seen from the characteristics of the Breeding place also seen from rainfall, wind speed, and other climate variables so that predictive accuracy can be better. This is one form of development towards industry 4.0.
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