Strength characteristics of fiber-reinforced light shotcrete


Alekseev Konstantin,Kurilko Alexsandr


The article presents the regularities of the flexural and compressive strength variation, as well as the energy intensity of destruction of light heat-shielding vermiculite concrete, depending on the content of polypropylene or basalt fiber. The paper stresses that the greatest increase in flexural strength of 40% is observed at the polypropylene or basalt fiber that the greatest increase in flexural strength of 40% is observed at the polypropylene or basalt fiber of 2 and 2-4% respectively. As the basalt fiber content increases from 1 to 4%, the compressive strength increases from 42 to 83%. The resistance of vermiculite concrete to dynamic bending loads when the polypropylene fiber ranges from 0.5 to 2% by a factor of 2.5 4.2. With basalt fiber content of 1 to 4% the energy intensity of destruction increases 1.5 2.5 times.Specific energy intensity of destruction of samples reinforced with basalt fiber increases by 2.3 ÷ 2.7 times during volumetric destruction of the specimens under study on a vertical pile driver. The regularities obtained in the course of the studies indicate that fiber reinforcement of light heat-shielding vermiculite concrete increase its strength characteristics and thereby expand the scope of its application.


EDP Sciences

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