Safayeva Dilafruz,Bulanov Ismailjan,Shin Illarion
Mathematical representation of reality is one of the variants of a model as a system, the study of which allows obtaining information about some other system. The mathematical model, in particular, is designed to predict the behavior of a real object. All natural and social sciences that use the mathematical apparatus, in fact, are engaged in mathematical modeling: they replace the object of study with its mathematical model and then study the latter. With the help of mathematical methods, as a rule, an ideal object or process is described, built at the stage of meaningful modeling. The connection of a mathematical model with reality is carried out with the help of a chain of empirical laws, hypotheses, idealizations and simplifications. A mathematical regression model has been developed that takes into account the influence of the speed of printing equipment and pressure on the optical density of the print when printing on non-absorbent surfaces using the gravure printing method.