Outdoor larval rearing of golden rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus): Observation on embryogenesis and early development stage


Laining Asda,Irawati Irawati,Mustari Tamar,Safia Wa Ode,Harianto Harianto,Muzaki Ahmad,Syah Rachman


The outdoor culture system is an extensive larval rearing system used to produce fingerlings using a large volume of facilities in outdoor conditions. This study was aimed at investigating the embryogenesis and early-stage development of larval golden rabbitfish reared in outdoor concrete tanks. Selected broodstocks were spawned in a tank equipped with a substrate for egg attachment. The larvae were reared in a 64 m3 concrete tank with sand substrate at the bottom, at a density of 5 individuals per liter for 25 days. The larvae were fed with rotifers and commercial powder feed during the experimental rearing. The results showed that female broodstock weighing 712 – 755 g had a fecundity of 413,400 – 585,000 eggs. Embryo development from the 2-cell stage to hatching took 20 hours and 10 minutes. The hatching rate was 44 – 66% at an egg diameter of 450 – 661 µm. D-1 larvae had a total length of 2.4 mm, and mouth opening occurred at late D-2. At the end of the experimental period, larval growth achieved a total length of 21.0 mm.


EDP Sciences








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