Gunawan Gunawan,Misbahul Huzy Ozi,Jalil Zulkarnain,Fazriansyah Putra Dedi
Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) or in local name Lele sangkuriang is a type of freshwater fish that is often cultivated in the worldwide community particularly Indonesia. The market demand for this fish is increasing every year so that fish farmer can get better profit in the future. In order to prevent a decrease in seed production in the future, the seed procurement process must be carried out. Moreover, to ensure the production levels must be continued to increase both in quantity and quality. This research aimed to determine the effect of frangipani leaf extract (Plumeria sp.) on hatchability rate and survival of the larvae of catfish (Clarias gariepinus). The experimental method in this research was completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments used were P0 without frangipani extract (control), P1 giving frangipani extract 20 ppm, P2 giving frangipani extract 40 ppm, P3 giving frangipani extract 40 ppm and P4 giving frangipani extract 80 ppm. The results showed that different doses of frangipani leaf extract produced different effects on hatchability and the quality of the larvae produced. The highest percentage of hatchability results was obtained in treatment P1 (85.33%) and the best percentage of larvae survival rate was in treatment P2 (72.67%).