1. Community European, Regulation Council, (EC) N° 479/2008 on the common organisation of the mar- ket in wine. Official Journal of the European UnionL1481-61 (2008)
2. Community European, Regulation Commission, (EC) N° 606/2009 laying down certain detailed rules for implementing Council Regulation (EC) N° 479/2008 as regards the categories of grapevine products, oenological practices and the applicable restrictions. Official Journal of the European UnionL1531-59 (2009)
3. e-CFR. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. (2010). Title 27: Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms PART 24 WINE Subpart L Storage, Treatment and Finishing of Wine § 24.246 Materials authorized for the treatment of wine and juice. Available on line at http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=5a39ba6737562446636a5b5 4a87b3961&node=27: div6#27:, last accessed 12 April 2014.