Tsukanova Elena,Tkachev Evgeny
The article presents an analysis of the features of weather conditions in 2020 in the Central Black Earth Region. It determines main deviations from the average long-term values of air temperature and humidity, as well as the distribution of precipitation. It shows the influence of climate change in recent decades, the main of which is the destabilization of the water-temperature regime, on the passage of phenophases in the development of fruit plants, including the dormant period. The article studies various methods of determining the dynamic reaction of the photo-system of apple-tree plants of the varieties Lobo, Zhigulevskoe, Melba, Antonovka, Hani Crisp, Ligol on the stock 62-396 deep rest by non-invasive methods based on the analysis of photosynthetic activity and the intensity of photosynthesis of chlorophyll-containing tissues. It shows the prospects of non-invasive registration of photosynthetic activity of tissues of annual branches for monitoring the period of deep dormancy. It was found that the registration of real parameters of changes in the index of photosynthetic activity during the transition to deep dormancy is possible only in the field. Cut branches of plants, placed in favorable laboratory conditions, show smoothed parameters of fluctuations in the level of fluorescence of chlorophyll-a in assimilation tissues, depending on changes in the functional state of the plant organism.