Galaktionova Lyudmila,Vasilieva Tatiana,Yamansarina Gulnur,Lebedev Svyatoslav,Sulimenova Zhanara
The problem of maintaining the sanitary function of soils of agroecosystems is one of the main ones, since it determines the danger for reproduction of various types of microorganisms, including human and animal pathogens. Within the study, the authors assessed the number of bacteria (Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli) in samples of chernozem with introduction of organic fertilizers. The dynamics of the number of Salmonella enterica shows that organic matter in soils contributes to a sharp decrease in their number at the initial stages of biological pollution, and in the long term it contributes to total loss. By the 60th day, Salmonella was found only in the control option of the experiment, but continuation of the experiment showed their total loss on the 80th day. Introduction of organic ameliorants into the chernozem samples led to a decrease in the number of E. coli by the 80th day, but their total loss was not noted.
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