Levchuk Larisa,Sannikova Natalia,Borodulina Tatiana,Kolyasnikova Marina,Mukhametshina Gulnara
Food deficits are now a serious problem because they often lead to the development of health disorders and the formation of chronic pathology. The article presents the results of nutritional status assessment including the study of actual nutrition, health, physical development and availability of a number of macro and micronutrients in 493 children aged 3 to 11 years. Early formation of excess body weight and obesity and their relationship with the development of chronic diseases, decrease of physical performance has been proved. Biochemical markers for cardiovascular disease risk in these age groups have been found. The combination of micronutrients deficiency such as calcium, iron, zinc adversely affects the level of health and development of children, which determines the need to introduce a set of preventive measures.