Grain moisture control in the technological process of drying based on the dielcometric method


Kalandarov P.I.,Turkmenov Kh.I.,Abdukadyrov A.A.,Kutybaeva A.E.,Marksuly S.


The paper discusses the problem of grain moisture control in the process of drying, analyzes the dielcometric method based on a high-frequency and ultra-high-frequency meter. Scientific directions of research are aimed at determining the basic requirements for methods of moisture control in non-equilibrium processes of heat and moisture exchange during drying of grain crops, and identifying the accuracy of dielcometric high-frequency and ultra-high-frequency methods of moisture control in the process of drying grain crops, and maintaining the necessary storage conditions in warehouses. Spectral analysis of signals requiring demodulation becomes increasingly complex as frequencies increase, with the greatest challenges occurring in the millimeter wave and at higher frequencies. These application notes discuss the development of a prototype and the design of instruments and describe methods for making accurate measurements with minimal costs in various operating conditions, and give metrological characteristics of a prototype moisture meter obtained during the testing period in laboratory and production conditions.


EDP Sciences

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