Improving the efficiency of seed production of heterotic cucumber hybrids in protected soil


Karpukhin M.Yu.,Chusovitina K.A.


Increasing the efficiency of seed production of heterotic cucumber hybrids is the most important task of protected soil vegetable growing. In recent years, modern heterotic cucumber hybrids have almost completely replaced conventional varieties due to higher economically valuable traits. The article presents experimental data on the study of biological and morphological features of cucumber baselines for the production of heterotic hybrids, as well as new agrotechnological methods of growing seedlings, which reduce the economic costs of obtaining pure cucumber lines. As a result of studying the initial maternal lines, it was found that for the development of the aboveground and underground parts of the plant, it is necessary to use ℓ-80 and ℓ-154 to successfully obtain seeds. To get more male flowers when growing seedlings of maternal lines, it is necessary to sow 2 seeds in each pot at a distance of 2-3 cm. In the course of research, a unique method for obtaining male flowers has been developed by changing the density of the standing of the mother cucumber plants (application for patent of the Russian Federation No. 2023131502 dated 11/28/2023).


EDP Sciences

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